5 Little-Known Facts about Dental Implants

5 Little-Known Facts about Dental Implants

Dental implants are a great way to replace missing teeth. They provide benefits to your dental structure and the look of your smile that other dental prosthetics don’t do. That being said, here are five facts about dental implants that too many people don’t realize.

Dental Implants Still Require Dental Care

Don’t go thinking that because dental implants aren’t your natural teeth you can slack off when it comes to oral hygiene. Dental implants may not get cavities. However, you’re still at risk of gum disease if you don’t care for your teeth and gums properly and you need to care for your natural teeth to prevent disease and decay.

Additionally, people with dental implants run the risk of getting peri-implant diseases, according to the American Academy of Periodontology. Peri-implant diseases are “inflammatory conditions” of the gum tissues around your dental implants. People with a history of gum disease are more susceptible to it. That’s why it’s important to always keep your teeth and gums clean, and visit your dental professional regularly.

Dental Implants Help Protect against Bone Loss

One of the top reasons for getting dental implants rather than bridges or dentures is because they offer an added benefit the other prosthetics don’t add. Specifically, tooth loss can lead to jawbone loss.

When you lose a tooth, it puts your jawbone at risk. Without support and pressure from the tooth to stimulate the bone, your body slowly absorbs it. Lose your jawbone and you compromise your ability to eat and speak. Because dental implants are in your jawbone rather than resting on top, implants stimulate jawbone health.

Dental Implants Are Surprisingly Strong

Dental implants are generally made of titanium or a titanium alloy. That makes them light and durable. Experts suggest that they can last for years longer than dentures and bridges.

Additionally, titanium is as strong as steel, yet it’s only 45 percent the weight of steel. It’s not only abundant, it’s used frequently in aerospace and industry. Additionally, it’s biocompatible.

Dental Implants Have a High Success Rate

Not everyone is a good match for dental implants. However, if you’re in good health, don’t smoke, and aren’t currently pregnant, they have a very high success rate. Experts estimate a success rate as high as 98 percent. If you’re committed to good oral hygiene, you might expect your implants to last a long time.

Dental Implants Save Adjacent Teeth

One of the biggest advantages of choosing dental implants is that dental implants actually benefit your adjacent teeth.

When your dental professional fits your mouth for a bridge, it requires him to grind down nearby teeth and add crowns to hold the bridge. On the other hand, dental implants don’t use adjacent teeth as their anchor. They stand independently. Therefore, they preserve the overall integrity of your healthy, natural teeth.

For more answers to your questions about dental implants, be sure to talk to your dental professional.
